Maine Biz: An Icon in Brunswick

Thanks to the entire Maine Biz team for their coverage of our Grand Opening and the presentation of the Brunswick Downtown Associations Preservation Award.

Here’s an excerpt:

“Aaron Turkel and Cleo Vauban, the owners of Brunswick's iconic Lemont Block, are marking the completion of an extensive three-year, multi-million dollar revitalization project.

The renovation includes five luxury apartments and the reopening of Lemont Hall, with a capacity of 299 people. It is the first time in generations that the hall will be open for weddings, public gatherings and lectures. Both the hall and apartments are available for rent.

"We've always thought the Lemont Block was special, and enough hard-working people agreed with us to get this momentous job done,” said Aaron Turkel. “It makes us so proud to bring back a cornerstone of Brunswick.””

Read the entire article here by Alexis Wells


Portland Press Herald: Celebrating the rebirth of Brunswick’s Lemont Block


Lemont Block Featured in the Brunswick Cryer